Where to meet women

Where to meet single women

One of the most common problems most guys face is where/how to meet single women. Opportunities to meet women are everywhere! Here are some of the most popular places and venues to meet the potential woman of your dreams.

  • Meetup events – Meetup events are ideal for meeting like-minded people. There should be more than enough Meetup groups in your local areas. There are meetup groups for literally everything you can think of (hiking, traveling, food, board games, sports, etc.). Food meetup groups are usually popular with women. Just join a few and start going to their events.
  • Coffee Shops – These places are usually packed with women during lunch hours and after work. If you spot a cute girl, just politely ask her if you can share the table with her, and then find ways to start a conversation
  • Bars /lounges – Bars/lounges are are great places to meet single women because single people usually go to bars/lounges with the intention of meeting other singles. Just dress up, look sharp, and be ready to mingle. 
  • Yoga & Dance Classes – Women love dancing and yoga. These classes always have a much higher ratio of women to men. You’ll have lots of partners to choose from. 
  • Online Dating Sites & Apps – Online dating sites/apps make it convenient and easy for people to find out singles in your areas.  With just a few mouse clicks, you can check out a woman’s photos, her background, her physical stats, profession, religion, interests, etc before you initiate the contact.  A few of my favorites are Match.com, Bumble, and Coffee Meets Bagel.