How to look attractive

Here’s How to Get Over A Relationship With a Girl Fast

As someone that has experienced breakups a few times, I sympathize with those going through similar heartache experience.

Yes, it will be tough and painful at first. But don’t worry. Just know that time will heal everything. Some days, you will feel ok. Other days, you will feel miserable. But you will be ok, and you will come out of this experience stronger than before.

Furthermore, at some point down the road, you will perhaps realize that she wasn’t all that for you to be crying over.

To help you move on faster, follow these three steps:

1) Accept it

Before you can start your journey to recovery, you need to first acknowledge and accept it first. Accept the fact that it just didn’t work out and that you need to move on, especially if it’s a toxic relationship or if your ex-partner doesn’t respect you, value you, or put in effort anymore. Replaying different scenarios in your head like what if I did this or that is just wasting time and energy. It doesn’t matter anymore.

Life is too short to be living in the past. Why not direct that energy into taking steps to help you move on. The sooner you move on, the sooner you can find new love and experience the good things that life can bring again.

People come in and out of our life. Some stay longer than others. But when it’s time to move on, just appreciate that person for the experiences that you had with that person. Whether good or bad, experiences are what makes us learn and grow.

2) Focus on the present

The only thing that matters is what you have at the present moment. If you have friends or family nearby, then spend time with them and fully engage in whatever activities that you are doing with your friend or family member.

The important thing is to make an effort to get out and do something. If you used to go to the gym, ride your bike, go hiking, then continue to do those activities. You might not have the desire to do it anymore, but it’s important to get back to your normal routine. Even if you just do it in a shorter amount of time, it’s still better than not doing anything. Doing any form of physical activities has been known to make people happier.

Now, you might feel like crying to your friend or family member, which is normal. But don’t spend take up too much time crying about it. Your friends and family are not therapists. They can try to listen to your whining and crying for only so much. So when you are with them, try to enjoy the moments you are with them and focus on doing whatever that is you are doing…whether talking about sports over a beer or doing on a hike.

The more you try to focus on the present moments and fully engage in it, the sooner you will be able to move on. Doing mindful meditation exercises is an extremely effective technique for helping you to focus on the present moments.

3) Build back your confidence

The final step in your recovery is to get back your confidence. Know that you have a lot to offer the world and that somewhere out there, there’s a new girl that will like you and appreciate you for the awesome person that you are.

Here are the things you can do right away to level up your attractiveness and boost your confidence.

  1. Get a new haircut
  2. Make an effort to dress better when you go out. You never know who you’re going to meet the minute you step out of your house, so try to look clean and presentable.
  3. Make sure your body language is projecting positive energy, openness, friendliness, and confidence. Make sure you walk and stand with your head up and your back straight. Smile more. Make direct eye contact with people when you talk to them.