How to approach a girl

The right way to approach a beautiful woman

Approaching a woman is a nerve-wracking thing, especially for shy men. Like most of you, I had a difficult time approaching and talking to women, especially women that I am attracted to. The fear of being rejected paralyzed me at times. I’m sure most of you can relate.

To overcome your fear and shyness, you need to know the right way to approach a woman. It also requires lots of practice. After doing it many times, you will get good at it and will develop the confidence to approach any woman anywhere. 

So what’s the right way to approach a woman? Here are some guidelines to follow to ensure a positive response. 

  • Dress to impress – You never know who you are going to meet the next time you go out. So always be prepared and look your best. Make sure your hair is neatly styled, your clothes are clean and neat, and you smell good. 
  • Have a positive attitude – Exuding a positive attitude and confidence is very important when approaching women. By doing so, people will be naturally drawn to you, and you will increase your chance of capturing her interest.
  • Approach with confidence – You don’t have to use cheesy pick-up lines. You just need to know what to say and try your best to make her feel at ease and comfortable. Be friendly, smile often, and have some fun with it. Just don’t be aggressive or annoying because that’s the quickest way to scare her away.
  • When you spot a woman you like,  approach her or get near her – Make eye contact, smile, say hello, and make some comments that are relevant to the situation or the surroundings. For example, if she is reading a book, make a comment about the book and follow up with a question about what’s she reading. 
  • Make a comment about a nice shirt she is wearing or something unique about her…like her hairstyle. The key is to be able to break the ice. That’s the first and perhaps the most difficult hurdle to overcome. After that, it gets easier to engage her. 
  • After you manage to break the ice, ask her some questions and get to know her. Refrain from asking personal questions right away. You want to keep it light and fun at first. You can ask her about her day, what’s she doing here, where is she from, etc. 
  • Keep the conversation going, make some jokes, and tease her a bit. Eventually, you want to find out about her interests/hobbies and identify some common interests with her. For example, if you like outdoor activities and she mentions that she likes hiking, invite her to join you and your friends for a hiking trip that you will organize. And then ask for her phone # or Facebook/Instagram profile so that you can keep in touch. Keep it friendly and fun! 

Keep in mind that approaching women is a numbers game. You will encounter women who may give you a cold shoulder and women who are already taken/married. But you may also meet a few who are ready to mingle and flirt with you back. The thing is, you won’t know unless you try.

The more women you approach,  the more chances you have of getting a date. And as the saying goes, practices make perfect. So the more you do it, the better you will get at it.